ASB Foreign Aid
Our main activities
Using an integrated approach, we provide effective worldwide aid and also support the establishment and development of local self-help structures.
Disaster preparedness: ASB trains people in a variety of measures, such as making contingency plans for evacuation or equipment in the event of a disaster, and initiating earthquake-proof construction or the use of plants that are less susceptible to drought.
Delivering relief supplies: ASB distributes essential relief items such as food, clothing and blankets to people acutely affected by a disaster.
Water/sanitation/hygiene: ASB provides people with clean water, sanitation and hygiene products to prevent disease and infection. ASB builds wells in regions particularly affected by drought.
Structural support: ASB helps people improve their job skills, secure a stable income, access social services when needed, and make their homes disaster-proof.
Medical care: Through its Rapid Response Team, health centres and mobile medical teams, ASB provides medical care to displaced people and assists displaced people and victims of natural disasters. It also works to improve the health situation in other countries through nursing training and other structural measures.
Emergency shelters: Wherever people are displaced, ASB supports them by setting up and running emergency shelters.
Rebuilding homes: When floods or earthquakes destroy homes, ASB helps the people affected to rebuild. In doing so, ASB pays attention to disaster-proof construction methods.
Cash transfer: ASB distributes (cash) to people in need. They can then buy goods at local or regional markets as they see fit, rather than receiving prepackaged aid.

ASB's country office in Haiti launched a response to limit the spread of cholera in November 2022.
Photo: ASB HaitiHow we work
In acute crises and disasters, we respond as quickly as possible through our Rapid Response Team, trusted partners and established country offices. We are also committed to supporting people affected by acute crises and disasters for as long as necessary. Emergency relief is followed by rehabilitation and longer-term action to tackle the causes of poverty and better prepare people for future emergencies.
Linking fulltime and voluntary commitment
Voluntary contribution is one of ASB Germany’s most valuable resources. This is why we combine our fulltime and voluntary contingents to cooperate in the provision of emergency aid to people all over the world.
Strengthening local partners
We aim to improve the living conditions of local populations and to reduce their dependence on external support. We strengthen the local population’s capacity to help themselves by systematically supporting local groups, e.g. NGOs, through consultation, further education and financial funding. Our flexibility in terms of programmes and strategy enables us to react in ways most appropriate to the requirements of the respective country.
Promoting international partnerships
Within the Samaritan Cooperation Central and Eastern Europe, we initiate, promote and encourage partnerships between German ASB branches and Samaritan organisations in other countries. Thus we help establish sustainable welfare structures in partner countries and create a range of social services for people in need.
Bundling resources
As part of a leading welfare federation, we have access to a wide range of experience and know-how. We share this knowledge with our partner organisations and cooperate in national and international networks on a basis of mutual trust. This enables us to bundle resources and make full use of their synergistic effects.
Being accountable for what we do
Part of our philosophy is to ensure the responsible and efficient use of our finances. We feel obligated to be fully accountable to those we help as well as those who fund our operations, namely our donors, supporters and the general public. Therefore, we continuously carry out internal and external quality assurance procedures as well as audits to ensure and extend the transparency and professional quality in our work.

In cooperation with the Ukrainian Samaritan Organisation (SSU), ASB runs warming tents in Kyiv where people receive food and psychosocial support after air raids.
Photo: SSU KyivQuality asscurance
Quality, effectiveness, efficiency and transparency are of utmost importance when implementing aid projects.
In all its projects aimed at alleviating need and poverty, ASB focuses on the requirements of those affected, integrating them in planning and implementation alongside local partner organisations. In this way, the abilities and know-how of the local population as well as the available resources are put to best use, and people’s potential for self-help is strengthened.
ASB hands over responsibility for projects to itslocal partners as early as possible so that the work is continued on an independent basis.
Quality, effectiveness, efficiency and transparency are of utmost importance when implementing aid projects. This is why ASB is committed to a continuing process of learning and regularly assesses and evaluates its projects. ASB’s provision of aid measures follows international standards such as the Code of Conduct, the Sphere Standards (minimum standards in humanitarian aid), “Do no Harm” or the standards of German and international donors (e.g. basic rules for humanitarian aid, guidelines for the donation of drugs).
ASB also applies its own standards, such as
- the ASB Procurement and Tendering Guidelines,
- the ASB Safety and Security Standards,
- and the "Standard Operational Procedures" for the consistent implementation of logistical, administrative and operational processes in ASB Country Offices.
Project coordinators regularly monitor local projects, and audits carried out by donors ensure that ASB projects are scrutinized for effectiveness and efficiency. If required, additional quality assurance measures are introduced.

In all its projects aimed at alleviating need and poverty, ASB focuses on the requirements of those affected, integrating them in planning and implementation alongside local partner organisations.
Photo: ASB/hannibal