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ASB-Hilfsmissionen in Guatemala
Greece | ASB Foreign Aid

More protection for migrants | Greece

In diesem Projekt arbeitete der ASB weiterhin mit der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM) zusammen und weitete seine Arbeit in den Orten Agia Eleni, Katsikas und Filippiada in Nordgriechenland aus. Ziel war es, die Qualität der Hilfe und des Schutzes für Migrant:innen im griechischen Aufnahmesystem zu verbessern. Dazu half der ASB vor Ort dabei, Einsätze zu koordinieren, Schutz zu bieten und die Kompetenzen der Migrant:innen zu fördern.

The project

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    Project title: Harmonizing Protection Practices in Greece (HARP)

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    Project region: Northern Greece

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    Financing: European Commission (DG HOME)

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    Project volume: € 3,642,345.36

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    Project duration: 01/12/2021 - 31/12/2022

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    Target group: Asylum seekers and migrants at risk

The ASB has been involved in emergency refugee assistance in Greece since 2015. Since then, it has helped to ensure decent reception standards and conditions for migrants on the mainland in an emergency. In 2019, this function engendered a long-standing cooperation between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the ASB, following the European Commission’s and the Greek authorities’ assignment of coordination activities to support site management to IOM. IOM invited the ASB to provide the support in a spirit of partnership, so that the services provided can gradually be handed over to the national authorities.
Although the number of arriving migrants has since decreased, the needs of the beneficiaries and other factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to make for a demanding operating environment.

How the ASB is helping in Greece

Humanitarian aid at all levels


The aim of the project was to provide migrants with safe and decent living conditions, medical care, psychosocial support and measures to help them develop their skills. This was intended to satisfy the basic needs of those affected and strengthen their well-being and self-determination. The project was carried out in cooperation with IOM and the national authorities and stakeholders.

The project built on the previous site management projects from 2019 and 2020/2021. In 2019, the Greek reception system was improved by supporting site management and targeted interventions in long-term refugee camps. In 2020/2021, the Greek authorities received support in managing the national reception system for asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants.

Three-step optimisation


The project was led by IOM to help improve humanitarian aid and protection for migrants in the Greek reception system.

The planned activities of the project can be classified as follows:

  • Firstly: coordinating operations on site
  • Secondly: protecting migrants
  • Thirdly: promoting migrants’ skills

The ASB has helped to improve this project by contributing its knowledge and experience in the provision of services. This has helped optimise the operating model for all sites. In addition, cooperation with other organisations such as MoMA, RIS and MOH will be further developed under the leadership of IOM.

Specific projects included:

-          Provision of interpreting services

-          Accompaniment services for vulnerable persons

-          Provision of mental health and psychosocial support services

-          Child protection services

-          Provision of legal aid/assistance

-          Operation of child-friendly and women-friendly rooms

-          Dissemination of information / communication with communities

-          Community engagement activities

-          Labour market orientation and employability support

-          Partnerships with educational institutions, such as citizens’ initiatives that offer services to migrants


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