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ASB-Hilfsmissionen in Guatemala
Central America | Nicaragua

Helping people in Nicaragua | ASB Foreign Aid

Nicaragua is one of the countries at high risk of crisis situations and humanitarian disasters due to its geographical situation and exposure to natural disasters. In addition, the population, especially in remote regions, is not sufficiently prepared for disasters and has little capacity to cope with them. Disaster situations disproportionately affect people with disabilities.

Projects in Nicaragua | Overview

These are the ASB Foreign Aid projects in Nicaragua:

Strengthening inclusion in disaster risk reduction

Support for strengthening livelihoods

Inclusion in humanitarian disaster risk reduction


Projects in Nicaragua | Details

Strengthening inclusion in disaster risk reduction

The ASB works in Central America to strengthen inclusion in disaster risk reduction. The ASB’s focus is particularly on people with disabilities and their families, members of organisations of people with disabilities, public institutions in the field of inclusion, civil protection committees and national and regional civil protection authorities.

Project title: Implementation of the Sendai Framework in Central America: Promoting a cross-border approach to strengthening inclusion in disaster risk reduction at the regional, national and local levels.
Project region: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
Financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, AWO, CBM, FECONORI, CUSO International, CORDES, ACOPEDIS, ASORO, PREPACE
Project volume: € 2,000,000
Duration: 01/11/2020 - 31/01/2024

Find out more about the current project here



Support for strengthening livelihoods

The ASB is helping 3,540 smallholder families living in the dry corridor of Honduras and Nicaragua and severely affected by climate change to strengthen their livelihoods.

Project title: Sustainable strengthening of livelihoods and increased income for smallholder families affected by climate change in the dry corridor of Honduras and Nicaragua
Project region: Honduras and Nicaragua
Financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, ADEPES, and UNAG
Project volume: € 1,111,111
Duration: 01/12/2020 - 31/03/2024

Find out more about the current project here



Inclusion in humanitarian disaster risk reduction

The ASB is helping to put people with disabilities in disaster-prone communities at the centre of humanitarian disaster risk reduction. The ASB supports between 5,000 and 5,500 people in Nicaragua.

Project title: People with disabilities as the focus of humanitarian disaster risk reduction 
Project region: Nicaragua, Colombia, Niger, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia
Financing: Federal Foreign Office and own resources of partner organisations
Project volume:  € 3,174,425.06
Duration: 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2023
Partner organisations: Christoffel-Blindenmission e.V. (CBM), Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB), Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. (MI), Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), International Disability Alliance (IDA)

Find out more about the current project here



You can help by donating to ASB Foreign Aid

As a member of the German Donation Council (Deutscher Spendenrat), the ASB has undertaken to comply with the core values: transparency, safety, credibility, ethical standards and accountability.

What your donation can do

Do you have any questions? Feel free to get in touch!


Oliver Huber

Consultant Latin America and Carribean

Phone : 0221/47605-252


ASB Deutschland e.V.

Sülzburgstraße 140
50937 Köln

How ASB helps in Nicaragua