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ASB-Hilfsmissionen in Guatemala
Central America | ASB Foreign Aid

Inclusion in humanitarian disaster risk reduction | Central America

The global project focuses on strengthening the key global and national state and non-state actors in humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction. The ASB also supports organisations of people with disabilities in countries particularly at risk of disasters, such as Nicaragua.

The project

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    Project title: People with disabilities as the focus of humanitarian disaster risk reduction 

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    Project region: Nicaragua, Colombia, Niger, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia

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    Project financing: Federal Foreign Office and own resources of the partner organisations (Christoffel-Blindenmission e.V., Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V., Centre for Disability in Development, International Disability Alliance)

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    Project volume: € 3,174,425.06

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    Project duration: 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2023

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    Target group: between 5,000 and 5,500 people per country in disaster-prone communities (in Nicaragua), key actors in the areas of disaster risk reduction and humanitarian aid

Although natural disasters and conflicts affect the entire population, people with disabilities are at much higher risk than people without disabilities. The Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction recognises this link between risks and disabilities and therefore identifies people with disabilities as important stakeholders in disaster risk reduction. However, despite progress at the political level, initiatives in this area are still limited and the programme is taking steps to accelerate the implementation of Sendai commitments for an inclusive and all-of-society approach to disaster risk reduction.  

How the ASB is helping in Central America

Including disaster risk reduction and humanitarian aid at the local level


There are still significant gaps in the analysis of concrete barriers and the implementation of measures based on such analysis, in particular with regard to the “last mile” in terms of an inclusive early warning system, evacuation measures, but also humanitarian aid. The ASB therefore analyses existing barriers in temporary accommodations in Nicaragua and carries out adaptation work. The ASB also trains organisations of people with disabilities and municipalities in implementing and documenting innovative approaches to inclusive disaster risk reduction. From these best practice examples, recommendations for action can be derived for national guidelines that have a lasting positive impact on disaster risk reduction.

Generating disaggregated data


There is generally a lack of disaggregated data to draw conclusions about the number of people with disabilities in a country, region or crisis. At the same time, many actors lack the necessary knowledge on how to collect, process and use disaggregated data on disabilities. Without this data, disaster risk reduction measures cannot be tailored to the real needs of the population. The project collects and analyses disability data (Washington Group Questions) in regions most at risk of disasters and supports the integration of data analysis into local early warning systems and disaster plans.

Lobbying for the operational definition of inclusive disaster risk reduction and humanitarian aid at the global level


Despite the inclusion aspects being included in (national) government strategies and disaster risk reduction plans, implementing authorities and institutions lack the necessary awareness of the relevance of this issue. In addition, they lack practical knowledge and guidance on how to implement inclusive disaster risk reduction and humanitarian aid. The same applies to many civil society actors involved in disaster risk reduction or humanitarian aid. The policy frameworks and guidelines for inclusive humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction lack the operational definition needed to make them work at the national and local levels. The exchange of best practices, training modules and scientific knowledge across countries or regional borders has so far been limited and not systematic. This is why the ASB wish to drive forward this exchange.

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